Tuesday, August 12, 2008

apple orchard

i love new york but it did me wrong this evening
wrong wrong wronggggg

so, at McCarren park, where all the ultra cool people hang out (lol) they do free shows and free movies in this empty pool.

shows - http://thepoolparties.com/

movies - http://summerscreen.org/

this evening i was excited. i was off to see blue velvet!
a favorite movie of mine by david lynch.
then it rained. water poured from the heavens. and i was mad.
but then it stopped! so i went to the empty pool... and it was cancelled.
oh. i was upset.
so upset.

but two tuesdays from now (the 26th) they're doing rushmore, so my anger has faded and now i'm SRSLY looking forward to some wes anderson actionnnnnnnnnnn. woo.

thai food is good.
i can't wait to start work.
(but mostly all i can think about is my bike. i want to name it. it will obviously be a man. what should i name him. i'm thinking balthazaar. or something equally as epic.)

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I just bought rushmore at the sally annes yesterdy