Thursday, November 6, 2008



so, it's be a crazy past few weeks. i haven't updated this thing in a coon's age.
bahahaha, i love that term so much. alright i'm putting the bigger news in +/- form, which is like bullet points, but you can see if things are good (+) or bad (-).


+ i met a really nice guy
- i miss james
+ i got the new apartment i wanted
- i was terrorized by mice
- they've been cutting my hours at work
+ obama is our president-elect
- prop 8 passed
+ there's still a buttload of absentee ballots and provisional ballots that they haven't counted and the count is open until december 2nd
+ i've been feeling inspired and playing music A LOT
+ i'm going home on saturday
+ i get to see bill
- there are still mice in my apartment
- it's been raining
+ i'm have a really yummy candle burning right now!
+ will kier just im'd me!

so there it all is in short form. there's too much in between all that to go on and on and on.

here's a video i recorded of me.

here are photos of my halloween costume, and from a night that will go down in history, november 4th, 2008.







some nice bloggers i met!











favorite picture of the night i think



after the win





and on to halloween make up photo!


the end!
i'll be more regular about this lil blog from now on, it's going to get focused!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Heart and Lungs

i went on a biventure (bike adventure) this evening with brian
brian is an artist who i have a massive crush on
here is his art

so, we biked around my neighborhood and we found this epic/scary empty warehouse with all the lights on. of course we decide to bust on in and see what's up and take some photos. after that we biked around the water some more and then broke into more mccarren park and took photos there too. i don't have the pictures from the pool since i took them on his camera, but when i do have them i'll put them up.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lovelier Girl

i'm in love

i already posted tonight but I DUN CARE more post
i'm listening to Thursday which brings the lolz
and i'm updating my iPhone which takes like, 40 years since it's super slow and broken
i think when i have the funds, which should be sooner rather than later due to the fact that like, 7 girls at anthropologie have asked me to cut their hair for them and then they gave me money for it even though i said it was free and i don't charge

yes, new phone
i pwn at haircuts even though i have no trainings
my hair is getting longer yay
i got really nice shoes today ^_^



i guess i haven't thought of the trip back in april all that much and i haven't really tried to relive the feeling in my memory, but i was just writing about it and now it's all coming back to me. the way i felt in japan was so specific, and so wonderful. i felt so happy. i felt like a little kid, but at the same time completely grown up. in my head i can see what parts of the trip created that feeling. the first one that comes to mind is walking up the stairs of the youth hostel in kyoto and just knowing i was someplace completely alien to my home and what i was used to. the second one is breakfast at new days. the third is riding the bullet train, and more specifically some of the more interesting people i sat next to during our journeys.

i really miss it quite desperately.
this video is from the last night in shibuya when we were trying to dance along with the videos that were playing outside of the "information center", which turned out to be a building you could walk into and pay to go into a room with a TV and watch porn.....

the end!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Auburn and Ivory

so i'm sleeping
after a very long day at work

and all of a sudden i wake up to this UNNNHHHH UNNNHHHH UNNNHHHH noise
what is it, one might ask

it's fucking techno
techno music

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Master of None

i'm on that Smiths tip right now

whenever i listen to them on the subway i get really excited when Morrissey goes ahh AH! or ahhahhowwww. i don't remember which song he goes ahhahhowwww in, but it's really lovely.
on the subject of patrick morrissey.
i love him.

he's so sexy.

at work today they played beach house and voxtrot and i was pleased
half the people at work are good
half are snobby new york girls who i'd like to stomp

miley cyrus 4 ever

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

apple orchard

i love new york but it did me wrong this evening
wrong wrong wronggggg

so, at McCarren park, where all the ultra cool people hang out (lol) they do free shows and free movies in this empty pool.

shows -

movies -

this evening i was excited. i was off to see blue velvet!
a favorite movie of mine by david lynch.
then it rained. water poured from the heavens. and i was mad.
but then it stopped! so i went to the empty pool... and it was cancelled.
oh. i was upset.
so upset.

but two tuesdays from now (the 26th) they're doing rushmore, so my anger has faded and now i'm SRSLY looking forward to some wes anderson actionnnnnnnnnnn. woo.

thai food is good.
i can't wait to start work.
(but mostly all i can think about is my bike. i want to name it. it will obviously be a man. what should i name him. i'm thinking balthazaar. or something equally as epic.)

Monday, August 11, 2008

tokyo witch

my bike will more or less look like this lil beauty
just no water bottle
and then when i have the money to do it the tape on the handle bars will be teal
and i'll be able to afford velocity rims, and they will also be teal

and i'll be doing this to my back wheel

yeah, those are records
i love how it looks like a disc wheel
but it's not

i really want this spoke card

lol, i think it's hilarious
i want to get a printer so i can make my own stickers and spoke cards and what have you

claire gets here on wednesday!
and i start work on saturday!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


i have nothing to write about but i created this so i can post pictures and videos and also because everyone else has a blog on here and because it's almost 3 and i start work tomorrow and i can't sleep

my room smells like downy
it's nice

that is cool
i saw girl talk last night
gregg gillis is the love of my life